Want to Become a professional baker?
Get Access to Our Collection of 9 MasterCourses and Workshops with the Bake Better Pro Membership.
If you dont want to individually pay for all courses, then here's your chance to get our collection of 9 online Mastercourses and workshops and save thousands of rupees. These courses are collectively valued at over Rs 53,500 and you can get them today for just Rs. 17,999 with Bake Better Pro Membership.
Here's what you Get when you sign up for Bake Better Pro Yearly Membership

Course 1: Celebration Cakes Online Certification MasterCourse worth Rs. 15000

Course 2: Cupcakes and Muffins Mastercourse worth Rs. 5000
In this online course, we’ll teach you everything you need to bake delicious cupcakes and muffins like a Professional Baker!

Course 3: Artisanal Bread Online Certification Course worth Rs. 15000
This 8- day Artisanal Bread Online Certification Course takes you by the hand and teaches you everything you need from learning and understanding the principles of baking breads to baking artisanal bread like Rye Bread, Fougasse, Baguette, Beetroot focaccia, Mint Ciabatta and much more!

Course 4: Chocolate Making Online MasterClass worth Rs. 5000
Master the art of Chocolate Making and learn six best-selling chocolate recipes in our Online Completely Eggless Chocolate Making Workshop.

Course 5: Eggless Brownies Mastercourse worth Rs. 3000
In this online eggless baking workshop, we’ll take you by the hand and show you how to bake four delicious Brownies from our professional chef’s menu along with answering all your questions big-or-small!

Course 6: Eggless Cheesecakes MasterCourse worth Rs. 3000
In this online eggless baking workshop, you’ll learn how to bake the most creamy, silky, and smooth cheesecakes and be an in-demand home baker flooded with orders from your customers.

Course 7: Eggless Entremet Online Baking Workshop worth Rs. 3000
In this online baking baking workshop, we’ll take you by the hand and show you how to bake and decorate two delicious items from our pastry arts menu along with answering all your questions big-or-small! This workshop is perfect for both beginners and veteran bakers alike, we teach you everything from scratch.

Course 8: Comfort Bread Online Baking Workshop worth Rs. 3000
In this online bread baking workshop, you’ll learn how to bake five In-Demand Comfort Breads, and also upgrade bread making skills and get started with techniques like kneading, shaping and proofing the bread.

Course 9: Sweet and Savoury Gourmet Baking Workshop worth Rs. 2000
In this 3-hour long, online baking workshop, we’ll take you by the hand and show you how to bake 4 delicious recipes along with answering all your questions big-or-small, Live!
Here's what you get when you Register for the Course Today!
This course has pre-recorded video tutorials that you can access anytime, anywhere from the comfort of your convenience.
- Complete Access to Celebration Cakes Online Certification MasterCourse worth Rs. 15,000
- Complete Access to Cupcakes and Muffins Mastercourse worth Rs. 5,000
- Complete Access to Artisanal Bread Online Certification Course worth Rs. 15,000
- Complete Access to Chocolate Making Online MasterClass worth Rs. 5,000
- Complete Access to Eggless Brownies MasterCourse worth Rs. 3,000
- Complete Access to Eggless Cheesecakes MasterCourse worth Rs. 3,000
- Complete Access to Comfort Bread Online Baking Workshop worth Rs. 3,000
- Complete Access to Eggless Entremet Online Baking Workshop worth Rs. 3,000
- Complete Access to Sweet and Savoury Gourmet Baking Workshop worth Rs. 2,000
- Chef’s Handbook on Art of Cookie Making worth Rs. 500
- Chef’s Handbook on Cupcakes and Muffins worth Rs. 1000
- Chef’s Handbook on Artisanal Bread worth Rs. 1000
Total Value: Rs. 53,500
Offer Price: Rs. 17,999
(Including GST) for 1 Year Access
Enrolment on request only.
Join the waitlist and we’ll contact you when we have spots available for BakeBetterPro membership.